I’m Kanisha (Ka-niche-a), and I was super, duper fit before I had kids. But more importantly, I was obsessed, I trained 6x a week and ate chicken breast and broccoli like I had shares in Steggles.
Thankfully motherhood knocked me down a few pegs. It’s suddenly a lot harder to prioritise exercise and nutrition when your body feels like a wet noodle and a small human cries in your ear at regular intervals.

My kids have taught me so many things. They’ve taught me about unconditional love and endless patience. They’ve taught me that French Bulldog fur cut with scissors takes at least 8 months to grow back.
But most importantly they have taught me about balance

Niche Fitness is on a mission to bring a more balanced approach to health and fitness.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to involve bland restrictive diets, and exercise doesn’t need to be extreme. Get ready to fall in love with the process, eat delicious foods that you enjoy and move your body in ways that make you happy.

Go on then,
Find your Niche